Prices and spaces of La Nuova Vista New Cairo Compound

Prices and spaces of La Nuova Vista New Cairo Compound

Prices and spaces of La Nuova Vista New Cairo Compound

The developer company has a strategic plan to provide its clients with the best Prices and spaces of La Nuova Vista New Cairo Compound. To make it the most suitable chance for different classes to own one of the villas that was designed by a group of professional engineers. In La Nuova Vista Fifth Settlement Compound there are a variety of spaces at affordable prices, so you can enjoy the full experience of being near many different axes and vital roads, as well as Misr Italia Properties allocated a huge land area to establish the compound on. Making it easy for its clients to reach wherever they want without facing any problems.

Services of La Nuova Vista New Cairo

  • 90th Street is located very close to La Nuova Vista Compound.
  • Cairo International Airport is only 10 minutes away.
  • AUC is located 10 minutes away from La Nuova Vista New Cairo Compound.
  • Water bodies that reflect the beauty of green spaces.
  • Wadi Degla Club is a short distance from the compound.
  • Famous restaurants, also coffee shops with the highest qualities.
  • Electronic gates for more security in La Nuova New Cairo.
  • Extensive spaces for garages, also car care services.
  • Outdoor areas for events and all ceremonies.
  • Playgrounds, also stadiums for different sports.
  • Security team, besides CCTV cameras 24/7 in La Nuova Vista.
  • For Each bank there are more than ATMs in La Nuova Vista Compound.
  • Commercial malls, as well as the famous brands’ stores.
  • Medical center, besides Pharmacies with 24/7 service.
  • Firefighting systems to detect fumes, besides the generators.
  • For handicapped there are all transportation facilities.

For More Services Click Here

What Are The Prices and Spaces of La Nuova Vista New Cairo?

Misr Italia Properties did its best to make different social classes enjoy the full experience of living in the heart of New Cairo. As well as it chose a prime location, that will make it easy for all residents to move freely without wasting their time in the crowds. Besides choosing one of the largest land areas to could divide it into two different parts, giving the large part to the facilities and the greenery. In addition to choosing the small part of the residential buildings providing it with different spaces , also at affordable prices, For Example:

  • Standalone Villa space start from 499 m² + Roof 107 m², priced at 49,776,881 EGP.
  • Standalone villa space start from 577 m²+ Terrace 82 m², also priced at 45,546,484 EGP.


What Are The Payment Plan and Installment Systems of La Nuova Vista?

There is a special zone for the residential units in La Nuova Vista Fifth settlement Compound. As well as the developer company allocated the smallest part to the residential building, as there are variety of unit types in different spaces, also at suitable prices, so it will be a complete chance for many to pay the long term of installments  without facing any additional benefits, For Example:

  •  20% Down Payment and The Installments Over 6 Years, Benefits-Free.

For Any Information and Booking Contact Us Now

Frequently Asked Questions
Misr Italia Properties.
At The heart of The Fifth Settlement.
Spaces Start from 499 m², Prices start at 49,776,881 EGP.
20% Down Payment, the rest installments over 6 Years Equally.
For Booking and Information Call Us 01060626827
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